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October 12, 2021

CSAM: Week 2 - Sharing Special Moments

Cyber Security Awareness Month is an internationally recognized campaign held each October to help the public learn more about the

Cyber Security Awareness Month is an internationally recognized campaign held each October to help the public learn more about the importance of cyber security. This campaign helps Canadians stay secure online by teaching them simple steps to protect themselves and their devices. In 2021, Cyber Security Awareness Month in Canada takes place October 1 to October 31 and the theme is “Life Happens Online”.

Now more than ever, it’s important to understand the risks of cybersecurity and how to protect your information and your identity. Each week, we’ll be showcasing the many ways the internet has helped us to live our lives as normally as possible this year and let you know how you can stay connected safely.

This year, life happens online

The internet really came through this year. With the help of our devices, the internet let us spend time with our friends and families, share special moments and make our lives feel as normal as possible — even when they weren’t. By protecting our devices, accounts and connections, we can make sure we never miss a moment of our online lives.

Week 2: Sharing special moments

We’re not always able to be around for the big things in life, but the internet has made it easier to share in those moments even when we can’t be there in person. From the video of your baby’s first steps to photos of their graduation, we’ll focus on sharing special moments safely with advice on:

  • Staying safe while file sharing
  • Malware and antivirus software
  • Storing and backing up data

Red Rhino Resources:

Following this week's theme, we gathered a few resources for you to read and stay informed:

Imagine this: your best salesperson has decided to part ways with your company. They are privy to everything from your strategic documents to the client lists you’ve spent years building. With all the information they can walk away with, employees are often a greater risk than external hackers.

Read our guide: How to protect your data when employees leave

This year we’ve been helping a lot of clients stay connected and work seamlessly from home! One key way we can do this is by implementing a voice network solution, otherwise known as Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP).

Read our Article: Why businesses are switching to VOIP.

Dark Web. Chances are you’ve heard this ominous-sounding name before. The online criminal underworld that simply exists in a hidden part of the internet where it mostly escapes the attention of day-to-day law-abiding web users. Many small and medium-sized business owners don’t realize how vulnerable they are to the criminals who operate on the dark web.

Read our Article: Identity theft on the dark web: The impact of a data breach.

No one likes to anticipate the worst happening – the fact that your entire IT stack and all of the associated data could fall into the wrong hands. Even worse, it could be exploited, held for ransom – or even deleted. Given the vast amount of connected devices out there – and the fact that these are growing at an exponential rate – businesses of all kinds need to prioritize security, backups, and recovery.

Read our Article: The importance of backups and recovery.

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