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October 23, 2020

Developing a Cybersecurity Plan: Steps 2 & 3

You understand the need for a good cybersecurity plan and you’ve identified all your important business assets. What’s next? Now you want

You understand the need for a good cybersecurity plan and you’ve identified all your important business assets. What’s next?Now you want to create a cybersecure culture by ensuring you and your employees know how to Protect yourselves and these assets. Moreover, you want your team to be able to Detect any cyber threats or incidents so you can react in a timely manner.You can continue building your 5-step cybersecurity plan with the following quick actions.

Protect your business:

  • Ensure your security software is up-to-date for best defense again cyber threats
  • Protect your network perimeter with a next generation firewall that proactively monitors for suspicious activity
  • Turn on automatic software updates so your devices are always current and defending you against any risks
  • Implement a continuous backup system that includes offsite replication
  • Make strong, unique passwords and multi-factor authentication a priority to ensure access is available to approved personnel only
  • Limit permissions to various data and systems by only providing access to employees that absolutely need it to perform their core job duties
  • Set rules on what your employees can install on company devices

Detect any threats:

  • Install products or services such as antivirus to help monitor your systems and devices
  • Train your team on how to detect and get rid of any suspicious attachments, links, and/or harmful phishing emails
  • Educate them on what cyber-attacks look like and the importance of reporting them quickly
  • Encourage them to be suspicious and alert you or your IT team when they notice something out of the ordinary
  • Reach out to your local IT experts and explore the option of a network monitoring service for added cybersecurity

Next week we’ll continue to review how to Respond to cyber threats and Recover from unforeseeable incidents.Until then, request a free assessment and find out how our team can help you #GetCyberSafe!

About Red Rhino

Red Rhino provides Managed IT Services, Support and Consulting to businesses in Vancouver and the Fraser Valley including Abbotsford, Langley, Surrey, Burnaby, Richmond, Coquitlam, Delta, and White Rock.

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